Car's "Ignition off" state while charging.

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Post by OomD »

I've noticed that when locking the car and going into the house the car enters an "ignition off" state, i.e. similar to having turned off the ignition on an ICE car. It only does this once the car locks, until that time my phone remains connected to the car. I wish they could make it enter that state when your place the car in P and then open the door, as sometimes I have music playing too then it gets blared out to all and sundry when I open the door.

Anyway, my gripe is that when the car starts charging it seems to enter the "ignition on", or at least the "auxiliary on" state because while charging (my car is net to my house) my phone will keep connecting to the car when I get or make a call, or when I play music on the phone. This is even while the car is locked, it seems the start of charging makes it enter a totally woken state.

Is there any way this can be alleviated? While I haven't turned the car "off" via the screen before I can see if that overcomes the issue, but then it will be a poain in the butt to have to manually turn the car off every I get home.

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Post by gogusrl »

Not only that, if you get home with the music playing and plug in to charge the car will stay awake and music will still play in the car (muted) so if you try to play music in your house you keep getting "paused because you started playing on another device". The only fix I could find was to go back to the car and pause the music there.

This only happens while charging and playing music through SoundCloud. Haven't tested if other apps have the same issue.

This started happening in 1.4.2.
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Post by Ste007 »

I have gotten into the habit of pausing any media playback before exiting the car…
EX30 Ultra twin motor performance, Cloud Blue, Mist interior. UK. Collected April 2024. v1.4.2
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Post by andrewollason »

I think I always did switch the radio off before leaving the car. Showing my age but I still pause the music now even though I know I’m not turning anything off really.
Twin Motor Ultra
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